Fun for what it is, silly for what it isn't
21 December 2020
Oh come on -- If this is 1 or 2 stars, you'd have to go into negative stars for Rollergator. No, it isn't great, but it is adequately filmed and recorded, it's rather well-scored, and there was a script. Yes, I saw it via MST3K, and they rightly skewer it six ways from Sunday. But there's a certain joy in being a little ridiculous (OK more than a little), especially when it's done with a sense of fun. The acting isn't terrible but reasonably decent. This film's main fault is in trying to be Big on a small budget -- and yes, it completely fails at that. But there's a lot of terrible things it could've been that it isn't (exploitational, mysogynistic etc) -- they had a story (such as it was) and they stuck to it. For all its faults, there's a quality here which keeps the faults from being deal-breakers. A guilty pleasure, perhaps. I'll bet it was fun to make.
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