Onyx Equinox (2020– )
Compelling Story About a Culture Lost
28 December 2020
I'm often entranced by media that takes place during a historical period in which mythology is reality. When I first heard about Onyx Equinox, I thought it was going to be another "The Road to El Dorado" - a colonial telling of the Aztec/Incan/Mayan indigenous people and painting them to be blood thirsty savages. This show amazed me. Yes there is bloodshed, but the cultural practices surrounding it and their beliefs is fascinating. I had to go and look up articles to understand what I was watching and I have learned so much! This show tries to provide a compelling tale about the Indigenous peoples of South America pre-conquisator invasion and I must say, they succeed very well! If anything, the show can be a tad melodramatic (but given what the characters have suffered through, it's warranted) and the action feel a bit wooden but if those aren't hang ups for you, please watch this show!
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