Kiba (2006–2007)
An underrated anime
15 January 2021
At first I thought this anime was going to be something like Pokemon since the preview clips I saw showed the main characters summoning some strange creatures to fight against each other.

Much to my surprise, the plot of this series turned out to be unexpectedly dark and mature, often dealing with complex themes, even if there isn't very much explicit content (In fact, the violence is pretty tamed, being completely bloodless most of the time) but the overall tone feels closer to stuff like Wolf's Rain or the 2003 Full Metal Alchemist series rather than Pokemon.

Even when the story has some of the typical shonen cliches (Such as the "chosen one" or the rival) the way in which this series deal with those kind of archetypes manages to be rather atypical. Even the "pokemon"-esque creatures turn out to be more complex than they seem to be at first glance.
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