Criminally underrated practical effects horror
23 January 2021
I don't get it. People will give a high rating to all kinds of boring, cliché movies with terrible CGI, blood, predictable characters, zero plot twists, tropes everywhere, and hand-holdingly feel-good endings.

Then a movie comes along that's gritty, dirty, dark, dare I say it even evil? A movie with excellent practical special effects, blood, gore, and slime, a movie that doesn't back away from killing off characters, and it gets maligned and mocked and given terrible ratings.

Well, you can all have your stereotypical Hollywood garbage. I'll take this cult gem, even if it's based on a short story by Stephen King, whom I otherwise can't stand. The director really stepped up and made something that stands the test of time, that's original, and that's not afraid to be dark and dirty.

Stephen Macht is great as the tyrannical foreman, and Brad Douriff is having the time of his life as a Vietnam vet turned exterminator.

Be sure to watch the end titles with a great little song that has many samples from the movie.

Highly recommended.
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