Captures the Loneliness of Men Cutoff from Society
24 January 2021
This film begins with a young man named "Martin" (Hansjörg Felmy) being driven to a remote oil pumping station in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Upon arriving he is then gradually introduced to the other members of the small team with which he will spend his time every day and night. As one might expect this small group of men have their own personalities with two of them, "Fletcher" (Ian Bannen) and "Macey" (Denholm Elliott) constantly at odds with one another. But it isn't until a beautiful young woman by the name of "Catherine" (Carroll Baker) accidentally arrives that these personalities come out in the worst way possible. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a very good film which captures the loneliness of men cutoff from society and forced to endure each other's company in a remarkable manner. Likewise, having such an attractive actress like Carroll Baker certainly didn't hurt this film in anyway either. In short, although not a great film necessarily, it was still quite interesting and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
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