Power Rangers in Space (1998–1999)
Improvement Over Turbo
31 January 2021
While Power Rangers Turbo was a failure due to being more corny and containing a lot of elements that made fans angry (like a kid becoming a ranger and the infamous Passing The Torch two-parter), Power Rangers In Space is seen by most of the fandom as the series that saved the franchise. Beginning where the final episode of Power Rangers Turbo left off, four of the Rangers (Justin staying behind due to moving away from Angel Grove) have blasted off into space to Eltar, the home planet of Zordon. Meanwhile, Divatox is attending a party with the villains of the past two seasons, alongside Astronema, a new villain, as Dark Specter, the grand monarch of evil, and the official main antagonist for this series, has announced Zordon's capture and is draining him of his strength. However, there was a spy in the form of Andros, a human from the planet KO-35 who is also a Red Ranger. The other rangers meet him after their shuttle docks with his base of operations, the Astro Megaship, and with some convincing, Andros gives T.J., Carlos, Ashey, and Cassie new morphers to aid in the rescue of Zordon.

Adapted from Dejni Sentai Megaranger, due it being electronics-themed than space-themed, Saban had to do a lot of their own scenes to make it fit (which would also be done with Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, which was adapted from the nature-themed Seijuu Sentai Gingaman). The final Power Rangers season of what is known to the fan base as "The Zordon Era", not only does it fix some of the problems Power Rangers Turbo had, but it also ties up some loose ends. Justin is replaced with Andros, who serves as the new red ranger leading the team (although Justin does return for one episode to help out), and Bulk and Skull are still comic relief, this time, being joined by Professor Phenomenus, an absent-minded professor who is on the search for alien life, and is a perfect replacement for Lt. Stone, as he also gets into hilarious misadventures with the duo. Also, appearances of allies and villains from Mighty Morphin', Zeo, and Turbo, also make appearances (one episodes has Adam, played by Johnny Yong Bosch, return for an episode as well, and even morph into the Black Mighty Morphin' Ranger for a while).

The show has some good episodes with good morals (one episode, The Wasp With A Heart, shows a monster that is not evil, but is being forced to destroy the Power Rangers by another one) and while it does have some stinkers (like the crossover episode with Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, a show a lot of people want to pretend never existed in the first place), but it did introduce some new concepts that would show up in future seasons (the most prominent being the Battlizer armor, as well as the ideaof evil rangers who don't become good in the form of the Psycho Rangers, who have a story arc near the end of the series), along with a more serious setting and better writing, and Power Rangers in Space is a good way to end a saga, as well as save the franchise from cancellation.
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