Careful with that truncheon, Robert.
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At work, boss Linda (Julie Lee) is cruel to her staff, particularly to poor Lily (Gwan Chin). Looking to get even, Lily convinces her boyfriend Robert (Kei-Yung Ho) to try and woo Linda, but neither of them are aware that, in her spare time, their boss is an S&M psycho killer who picks up strangers for sex, killing them afterwards, taking a body part as a trophy.

Believe it or not, there was a time, way back in the '90s, when guys with mullets actually got laid; Linda's first victim sports a fine example of the hairstyle that taste forgot (although I keep hearing murmers about it coming back in style). Her second victim, Philip (played by star of many a Cat III movie, Elvis Tsui), wears a natty head scarf, which is almost as unattractive as a mullet; after wild sex, incorporating a bungee pulley device, Linda kills him by dropping him onto a metal candlestick.

At home, Linda likes to retire to her special room for a spot of self-gratification, rubbing one-out, handcuffing her ankles (or is that 'anklecuffing her ankles'?) and using a hairbrush between her legs (and I don't mean to brush her hair).

Her next victim wears a silver jacket and PVC trousers - further proof that she's not picky about her men (or maybe she's just ridding the world of fashion crimes). They go to a motel, the man using a thermometer shaped dildo on the woman, before having sex with her. She ties him up, and, in one of the film's many strange eye-openers, drops an octopus on his crotch, places clamps on his nipples, uses a staple gun on him, and then stuffs another octopus into his mouth, suffocating him. But even this isn't the film's biggest 'WTF?' moment!

After a quick scene in which Robert gets excited by Lily to the point of cranking one out in the office, the action returns to Linda, who learns that her last victim had H. I. V. - oops! As if she wasn't crazy enough, this information really tips her over the edge. Meanwhile, Robert sneaks into Linda's apartment and finds her cupboard of S&M gear and her secret sex room. He's so turned on by his discovery that he pushes a truncheon up his butt while spanking the monkey, leaving his DNA all over Linda's wall. The film officially enters my Top 3 of sleaziest Cat III movies.

But there's plenty of crazy still to come...

Lily discovers Linda's secret and tells Robert that they should go to the police, but, still aroused by Linda's double life, Robert strangles Lily instead. Linda, marbles well and truly lost, strips naked on a bus, pops into a local sex shop where she buys a new outfit (presumably on account), and goes to a bar to find another victim. This time it's a married man, who she blows in an alleyway, before slashing his throat and cutting off his nose (that'll teach him for making a mess of her face!).

A little later, she makes another guy wear a leather hood during sex, but before she finishes him off, it's time for a little back story. Cue flashback...

When she was younger, Linda's parents and grandparents died, leaving her in the care of an uncle. One night, the uncle invited his friends over for a little mahjong and a lot of beer, the evening ending with a spot of gang rape, Linda passed from one sweaty, drunken deviant to another. Exhausted, the men fell asleep, and Linda seized the opportunity to have a scumbag barbecue. So started her killing spree.

Flashback over, Linda finishes off the guy in the leather mask, whipping him, rubbing salt into his wounds, and cutting him with a knife, before chopping him up with a cleaver. Not ready to retire for the night, Linda goes to a party where her attempt to find another victim backfires: she's trapped by four guys who pull on masks (including the ever popular giant condom mask!) and beat her until she passes out. To wake her up, they urinate over her and then rape her. Having had their fun, they saran wrap her head, suffocating her.

It's the end of the S&M psycho - or is it? In a bizarre final scene, Robert (or at least I think it was him) enters a bar dressed in wig, make-up, ear-rings and bondage gear, only to be arrested by the police. It's a suitably weird ending to a film that had my jaw on the floor throughout.

9/10. Highly recommended to those weirdos out there who find sexual deviancy and graphic violence entertaining.
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