Funny Man (1994)
Monstrously bad, so goddamn bad it's bad!!
5 February 2021
Are the people that actually claim to love this piece of Schmidt having a laugh? It's painfully awkward and amateur garbage to sit through right from the beginning, I found it so very bad it was embarrassing to watch! It was just amateur hour, the scenes didn't even feel like movie scenes that connected and led up to something, just shoddily done interactions and lame overly-stretched out deaths scenes, it was just so bad I can't believe it, how?! And I totally get the point it's meant to be bad right? Well newsflash even that crutch has its limits. Do you have to be in a state of heavy inebriation or in the thrall of hard drugs to 'get' and actually love this monstrosity?? The jester was beyond terrible, he was just annoying, he was like a drunk entertainer at a wedding just putting everyone on edge, the most irritating person in the movie by far, just an idiot in a decent costume mugging his way through his scenes, and the dull broadness of his accent clashed horribly with his getup, and I'm British and I understood every word spoken and in my book this movie and it's use of 'British humour', is an insult of all brits everywhere! Oh my Lord the late Christopher Lee must have really needed whatever little money he got from his role, you can see the contempt in his weathered old reptile eyes in his few scenes where he's the only real thespian on display effortlessly outshining everyone else in the room just by his stately hard eyed stare alone and he knows it. I never so much as heard of this and I'm so glad that I was spared knowledge of such a reject until now, because it's definitely one of the most hardcore bad movies I've seen recently, it's a lesion, a screaming boil of oozing cinematic pestilence that is deservedly largely forgotten by most and is most assuredly never going to be any kind of classic. Relentlessly terrible, painful to sit through, awkward and a disgraceful inept display of woefully bad filmmaking that is definitely not fun and not Funny! Pukesome!!
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