Review of Batwoman

Batwoman (2019–2022)
Dumbest. Heroes. Ever.
19 May 2021
I liked this at first. I enjoyed the visuals, the family story line, the acting (particularly that of Skarsten and Rose), and the whole idea of Bruce Wayne's female cousin finding the cave and taking over in his absence. The effort was there.

Unfortunately, the lack of logic kept pulling me out of the story, as the writers had to make their heroes conveniently stupid in order to keep the antagonist on the run. Without getting specific, I often found myself asking, "Why don't the heroes just bring the villainess to justice RIGHT NOW?" Instead, the protagonists waste time talking to her, letting her bait them, or backing down when they don't have to.

Even worse, Batwoman goes easy on the villiainess for personal reasons, putting selfishness ahead of public safety. How in the world is the audience supposed to root for a hero who does that?

Not recommended.
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