Was Expecting More of an "Erin Brockovich"...
1 June 2021
I started watching this movie with the expectation of something along the lines of "Erin Brockovich" or even the oil well spill in the gulf "documentary". This isn't on that level, but it does bring to the table a tale about a similar event of massive corporations knowingly abusing "the little guy" for their own gain via loopholes and court proceedings to get what they want, even if it's destroying the environment while they simultaneously announce through propaganda to the public they are all about saving the environment.

When it started off showing the green glowing "nodules" in the water, then the farmer realizing the oil industry was poisoning his land, and then trying to buy him out after his wife died of cancer, I had hope on where this movie would go.

I was pretty disappointed that it took a turn away from that direction and instead focused on "movie theatrics" instead of continuing with this original plot. It was rather disappointing. (Almost like the plot of the movie was bought out by "someone" and the narrative was changed.)

Overall, I gave it a 5, downgraded from an original rating of an 8 or 9. As the movie kept going, the plot that was initially established was degraded, becoming silly, almost. Perhaps if this was a 2.5-3 hour long movie, they could've gotten to this point, but they didn't. It feels like they cut it short, added silly music and an unrealistic plot twist, like it was rewritten after filming had nearly wrapped up, and called it quits abruptly.

I'm not telling you what happened here, just the very basics of WHY I gave the rating I did. I'm a bit disappointed with it. It's not what I expected after such a strong first half of this movie.
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