It's getting better.
17 June 2021
The Boys On Film series is definitely getting better with each DVD that I watch. There are some crackers on here. Unfortunately there are still some that just don't warrant the disc space too.

Trevor (1994) Although I do love her and what she says is quite correct, I could have done without Ellen's introduction as it seemed to cheapen it all and make it a bit of a joke.

It does have a comedic edge, but it is also such a sad story and the message is very important. Stay with it, there will always be brighter days.

I can see why it won an Oscar, the young actor playing Trevor is superb and I loved all the Diana Ross.


Protect Me From What I Want (2009) Who wouldn't want to meet Daz in a dark alley? And just when you think he's this rough and ready, chavvy thug, you realise that he is the sweetest guy and has a fantastic body to go with it. It's a shame that Saleem doesn't know what he wants.

Superbly acted by both young men and brilliantly put together overall as well as being incredibly sexy. Turn around.


Steam (2009) Incredibly horny right from the off, but I had hoped for a bit more nudity from a film about two gays in a steam room.

I personally have never liked them, they've always been too claustrophobic for me, so the idea of being trapped in one just freaks me out.

I have to say that this film is very clever and delicately done in a time when it may have been considered quite controversial. The ending is genius.


Heiko (2008) I worked in shoe sales for far too long to ever find feet attractive, so that particular fetish is something I will never understand.

However, I could do with a Heiko of my very own to obey my every command.

An interesting little story.


Breath (2007) I suppose we can all appreciate that feeling of having a crush on someone a bit older, as we are discovering who we are.

It's a cute film about that moment. A time where I wish I had acted upon my own feelings. It's an exciting time when anything can happen.


Postmortem (2005) I only have 1 ex that I would ever consider meeting, either just for sex or to see if it could work again. It's an interesting idea, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't come to see me again, but then I'm not Murray Bartlett. We've all come to love him since his appearance in 'Looking' and his revival of the role of Mouse in 'Tales Of The City', so it's nice to look back and see what he got up to before all of that.

This one I have to say though is a bit slower than I would like and you don't get to see nearly enough of his gorgeous, muscular physique or his handsome ex. No regrets.


Vandals (2008) I don't understand graffiti, especially tags. If you're going to do it, do it like Banksy. Create something for people to enjoy, not just a scribble on a wall.

It makes a change to see these characters in a romantic situation however and although I can't see what Johannes ever saw in Denni, it might have made a good feature length film, especially as there is not what I would call any resolution at the end. I don't think there was a lot of point to it, which is a shame, because it could have meant something and provided an important message about judging people and internalised as well as external homophobia.

The soundtrack was quite harsh on the eardrums too.


Wrestling (2007) I will never understand or want to understand wrestling. I certainly couldn't ever bring myself to watch a match. Weirdly in this film it looks more like a weird formal dance.

I also find it odd how grey and miserable these Icelandic films always seem to be.

Quite honestly I could have done without seeing it and especially the one guys wrinkled old backside.

It's actually quite boring and has some sort of ridiculousness about it.


My Name Is Love (2008) A scary tale to be taken seriously. Poor Love, so sweet and innocent, but yet I feel we should also feel for Sebastian (Marcus) as he clearly has issues of his own.

Delicately done and important.

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