Party of Five: Ties That Bind (1999)
Season 6, Episode 9
Holding On for Richer or Poorer
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although this episode was slightly focused in Bailey, who had more scenes than the rest of the characters, it was in some ways better than the last one. Following some discussions, Holly finally accepts a second date with Bailey. Will, who now changed from wrestling internship to football with SF 49ers, allows Bailey to use the stadium with Holly (that was huge). The date goes really well, probably because Bailey's romanticism, and they sleep together. But soon, when Holly starts falling in love and dumps another guy she was dating, he thinks everything is moving too fast. When she realizes that he's scared for what she said about love (and for dumping the other guy), she pretends she's taking things casual, but at the same time, she seems disappointed because he doesn't feel the same way. Then, Bailey tells Will that happened barely a month since Sarah's breakup, so he's not sure of being ready, he wants to be with Holly, but he also wants to stop himself. It was strange Bailey's behavior here. For one side, he didn't want something casual with any woman in SF, he wanted something with Holly (he really pushed it), but only now remembers Sarah. He is confused. Honestly, I miss the Bailey who took care of Owen, the kid might feel pretty lonely, there are almost no scenes with him, seems like only Victor watches him now (and that's unbelievable, considering how much Charlie and Kirsten would love to take care of him). In these moments, the custody battle of last season seems meaningless, because Bailey is not spending time with Owen.

In the meantime, Griffin's hospital bills are really expensive, as Charlie warned, and the rest of the siblings finally realize that. The five have a family dinner at the house (which is great), and when they finish, they agree in saving money to afford the cost, taking part from their monthly budget, divided in equal parts. Julia tells they can pay to the hospital in 15 months, Bailey says that he will put on hold works fro the house and that the restaurant's numbers are not so high but soon they will. Kirsten tells that she and Charlie can postpone "the thing they have been working on", but he suggests even to rotate the tyres of the ruck instead of replacing them, anything to keep with the IVF, that any of the siblings know yet. Julia says she's sorry for making them pay for Griffin's bills but they all agree that it's not just for her, they want to help Griffin because he's a friend and he needs it. But when Griffin finally learns from Daphne that they are paying because he has no insurance, he leaves the hospital. Back in the shed, he gets mad at Julia and swears he'll pay every penny he owes. She tells him that it's ok because the good things he did last season, but he insists, he doesn't want to be a burden. Finally, they reach an agreement, he'll pay little by little, and will work in the house for free. He tells her that he'd like to be helped by other people, like his parents, instead of them, who are the only ones who want to help him. Still, he implies he's thankful, so at the end shares a heartfelt hug with Julia. At the same time, he agrees with Daphne that they are not meant to be together, so they end their brief romance (she seemed more affected by this). For me, Griffin did nothing wrong about the hospital, he didn't ask for the best attention or the best hospital, he wanted to be sent to the County General where they would have fixed him for free. He is holding on to his principles. I highlight a conversation he had with his mother (finally), seems she still is a hard working nurse, so she can't take care of him. Anyway, seems that she knows he married Julia and that they are divorced, and he tells her that the Major Holbrook is in Germany, so he can't help him. They finish their call saying "I miss you", and I want to believe they really mean it. If I imagine how is Mrs Holbrook, from what I saw in 1x17, I think she still loves her son, but they have been apart and losing Jill damaged them. She suggested to her son to ask help to Julia, so this means that she trusts the Salingers, after all, she knows Bailey. Leaving that aside, the Griffin-Daphne was a mistake from the writers, corrected today. But what left that short "thing", was that Daphne changed. Considering her sadness today, she was willing to be in a serious relationship. Probably in the summer she went to a psychiatrist, who helped her with the attachment disorder she developed. Maybe by spending time with Charlie and Kirsten, by taking care of Diana, also helped her to feel that she can trust people, she can have a family. And that's why she probably thought she could try with Griffin, she said in 5x15 that she could never have a long lasting boyfriend, but now she is in the healing process, she's ready. Still, she'll have to look someone else. As for Claudia, she makes a brief return to violin lessons with Ross, likely to forget her troubled past with the popular people, but she quits again when she realizes she can't be as great as she was. In the process, Thurber appears, and Ross tells her that she can't pretend be the best, she took a decision years ago, of being a normal child. The good part of this story is that showed the same Claudia from 2x05, 4 years passed, and she feels the same way about the violin, she loves it but she wants to be the best, it's like a soft spot, her only whim.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Kirsten are with candles and with heat off, saving money for the drugs from IVF. Unlike last episode, this time they have 6 scenes together, so this is an improvement. In a coffee bar, while buying cups of yogurt, she says that they should stop trying the IVF because they don't have enough money (because they must pay a part of Griffin's bills), but he answers that they are close so it's worth the sacrifice. She agrees in trying but tells they must save a lot of money and he says it's fine, he has no problem in no movies, restaurants, TV cable or magazines. She is stunned by the price of their cups of yogurt, so he says "our last hurrah". He pays and she "takes" various sugar packets from the coffee bar, saving them in his pockets and her purse. Later in the night, at their apartment, they are shown to be wearing coats, gloves, vest and scarf, also having frozen old food for dinner, with heat off, candles and no TV cable, and he counts the money they have in the bank and their credit cards. She realizes they don't have enough money for the hormones so he suggests buying from a shady man he heard in the clinic, despite that is a "tiny bit illegal". She's reluctant but finally agrees when he says they are desperate and their situation is unfair. They go to the "pharmacy" in the truck, and when they see the neighborhood, she's worried given how unsafe it looks. He tells that they can always leave if it doesn't seem ok, so together they enter the store. There, the shady man (who actually seemed like an ok guy) sells the hormones for 600$ but when they leave, Kirsten checks them and realizes they are expired (the con was very well staged, the man showed them the non expired hormones). They can't enter again and notice that the man is gone. Also, the truck is booted for many outstanding tickets, so, without money, Charlie has to call Bailey, who rescues them at North Beach precint. He tries to help giving them saved money for the IVF, excited about it, but Charlie refuses, and Bailey only stops insisting when Kirsten tells him to. This time, Kirsten trusts fate (or in any case, God) and convinces Charlie that they have to wait and keep doing their jobs first (he drafting in the factory, she drug trials), and eventually they'll have the baby. Great story. I can say that somehow, today, they fulfilled the vow of Richer/Poorer, as they were in a bad monetary situation. They held on to each other, were willing to accept no movies, no dinners at restaurants, no heat, lights, etc. And at the end, she could convince him that maybe this is not the time or the way to have a baby, the IVF costs. Today, they went together everywhere, even to that shady pharmacy place in the night, proving how close they are as husband and wife. Also, in the last weeks, Charlie has gradually become more secure of having the baby, sharing the dream as much as her. Initially, in 6x04-05, she was the one who most wanted the baby, and now, he wants him as much as her. And I think this has something to do with Diana. I've read some comments where people questioned Diana's absence in this and the last episodes, and why Charlie and Kirsten seemingly were not spending time with her. Well, Daphne is the mother and considering she has been mostly unemployed, surely she was the one taking care of her, even more today when in Charlie and Kirsten's place the temperature seemed to be like 5 degrees off. But because Daphne is taking care of her daughter, Charlie started to see Kirsten's point of view. Though they love Diana, she can't live full time with them and Kirsten is not her mother, so they need to have their own baby, who will spend all the time in their place, who will be loved and taken care of only by them. And that's why they want their own baby so much, with Daphne present for Diana, they can't feel the same way for her. They'll always love Diana but she'll always have Daphne, and that makes things different. The writers knew very well what to do and I agree with them. Now Charlie and Kirsten will wait a little more but like she said, eventually they'll have their own baby, that need won't ever disappear.
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