It's silly, it's implausible, I love it!
8 August 2021
In spite of its fairly high rating I noticed a few extremely negative reviews about this film and all I can say is... You people should get over yourself. Don't they realize it was never intended to be anything more than a sexy little romp with swimming pools and gymnasiums in the background? One thing that has always been true of show business in all it's forms is that sex sells tickets. Nothing has changed since this film was made. This plot which revolves around a magazine that relies on sexy photographs to sell copies is exactly the world we live in today.

Maybe I am wrong but in recent years has it not been true that the magazine called sports illustrated sells more copies of its "swimsuit issue" than any other. At least this film gives the well-built young men equal time with the athletic young women that are featured here. Whenever possible film makers showed actresses with as little clothing as they could get away with but you almost never see a man with his shirt off and considering the physiques of many of the male stars there's a good reason for that. The great actors of that era were mostly famous from the neck up.
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