Whoever thought that a small topic like 'Trip to Haji' could be turned into a seminar of evaluation of misdeeds and goodwill of human life. Hats off to debutant Salim Ahamed!
24 August 2021
Adaminte Makan Abu / Abu, Son Of Adam (2011) : Brief Review -

Whoever thought that a small topic like 'Trip to Haji' could be turned into a seminar of evaluation of misdeeds and goodwill of human life. Hats off to debutant Salim Ahamed! I was looking forward to watch Admininte Makan Abu since a long time for only reason that it has won four national awards and four Kerala State awards in major categories. But after watching Salim's 'Pathemari' (2015), i couldn't resist experiencing his terrific vision again. This was his debut film but i took me few secs to believe that because he has showed better skills than many so called great and popular directors in his debut film only. I mean how? And yes it's true but why the hell this film and Salim's name have remained unpopular for years? It's been 10 years now, how? A big shame for Movie Buffs and paid Critics. Anyways, Adaminte Makan Abu is a big sensational human drama based on small topic. A poor aging couple struggle to fulfill their lifelong dream of going to Mecca for pilgrimage. This film is not just about their struggle but it also about the people around them. Some are good and some are bad in some way and even these two who have been loved for their characters for years also have shortcomings. This is where the film makes a big social statement. Not only muslims and their religious beliefs but for every single human being who ever believed in Humanity. Salim Kumar as Abu gives a performance to remember for years. I have watched this film in 2021 and i will remember his dialogue delivery, expressions and body language even in 2051. Zareena mam as his wife is flawless. Hats off to Salim Ahamed for thinking about making a film on such a small story and delivering more than any other big blockbuster script. A true Classic in human drama genre that teaches you a lot about life.

RATING - 8/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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