Popstar (2005)
Am I surprised? No.
11 September 2021
Not much else to say except.... it's not good. Everyone who knows me are aware that I don't like Aaron Carter at all. However, I watched this with an open mind because hey, maybe it's a good movie! But after watching this, I can say with confidence, it's not good! I think the only people who thoroughly enjoy this movie are Aaron Carter fans and maybe some kids/pre teens. Other than that, I can imagine any adult just sitting down to watch this and enjoy it.

It's so repetitive to any other teen movie about a pop star going to school. It's so beyond predictable. And that's not even my biggest complaint!

The acting is horrendous! Seems like any time a scene ends, someone either sighs or laughs or shakes their head before walking off camera. The acting is so bad, something that could be funny or maybe heart felt is completely throw out the window because of the acting.

Jane's braces was the cherry on top of this garbage film. I've never had braces, but a lot of my friends and family had them growing up.. And I've NEVER seen anyone with braces that looked like that. And no one I've ever met with braces talked like that. I spent most of my time watching this movie, trying to figure out what she was even saying!

Overall, this movie is trash. Hey, if you like it, to each their own. But I could name off a list movies that are not good at all, but are academy award winning films compared to this!
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