Transplant (2020–2024)
The one and only 'Hospital' series I ever cared to and was eager to watch all episodes.
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First out of the box, the pilot episode grabs you and won't let you go. It has a perspective no other series of the genre has tackled before; I'm talking about the main character. It was a brilliant idea to begin with, given all the potential an ER doctor refugee with battle tested experience could bring. Dealing with moments of PTSD, his bond with young teen sister as they both lost their parents in the war, a war still raging in their homeland country. Then there's a cast of characters all rich with very relatable challenges of their own. I love the cast, from the mature John Hannah as the ER head doctor and director whose Scottish accent is as sympathetic as it is brutally honest.

The pace is just as you'd expect you'd get from life in an ER, hectic and dramatic, but not so dramatic that it lets you doubt it; no, it is most believable. I don't know how the combination of the writing and the directing could make a series of the genre so NOT soap opera like, more like a feature movie, but they've pulled it off here. If you are squeamish at the sight of a scalpel doing what those do, you will be turning your head away from the screen at times; it's that realistic. If you are an empathetic soul, you could likely find yourself shedding a tear from time to time; it's that captivating. Oh how this series surprised me; I couldn't wait for the next episodes and I can't wait for season two.
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