Deadly Lessons (1983 TV Movie)
Solid cast, mediocre movie.
2 October 2021
Is there anything more pointless than an old made-for-TV slasher movie like Deadly Lessons? Strict broadcasting restrictions meant that gore, gratuitous sex and nudity were a no-no (there's not even any side-boob!), resulting in a frustratingly tepid thriller. So why did I bother checking this one out? Because it stars Bill & Ted cutie Diane Franklin in the lead role, with supporting turns from Donna Reed (From Here to Eternity, It's a Wonderful Life), Nancy Cartwright (The voice of Bart Simpson), Ally Sheedy (The Breakfast Club), Bill Paxton (Aliens, Weird Science) and... um... Larry Wilcox from C. H.i. P.s. It's this interesting cast that makes the film just about bearable.

The adorable Franklin plays student Stefanie Aggiston, who has won a scholarship to spend the summer at Starkwater Hall, an exclusive private school for girls run by strict head mistress Miss Wade (Reed). Unfortunately for Stefanie, her time at Starkwater coincides with a series of murders, the killer picking off the privileged students one-by-one. Investigating the murders is big-city cop Det. Russ Kemper (Wilcox).

In addition to the lack of gore and nekkidness, Deadly Lessons is totally devoid of scares and suspense, but Franklin is so appealing in the lead that the film is hard not to enjoy to some extent. It's also fun to see pre-fame Sheedy and Cartwright as fellow students, and Paxton before he got his big break in Aliens, as stable hand Eddie Fox, Stefanie's romantic interest. Wilcox, on the other hand, is rather bland, at least until the final scene when he gets to overact.
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