"PG"? Let your children watch it if you don't care
11 October 2021
It could have been a very funny comedy. What we have here is a vile, twisted, sick Jewish (no offense to the nation intended) fantasy.

Frequent sex innuendoes are the main theme of the movie. The main character marries and has sex with his cousin, are you kidding? Talks about having a threesome and oral sex - is it OK? Jokes about the Crucifixion - is it acceptable? Young women are depicted as whores and old men - as complete jerks and morons. If it's "PG" and has a high rating, then something is really rotten in our world.

Suppose it is the result of Mr Woody Allen being once a stand-up comedian. It's the signature of that profession to be vulgar, rude, and interfering.

And it's not about Russia, it's about perverted inner world of the director who happens to be the leading actor. Too bad they wasted so much effort and tons of costumes making this "comedy".

But still, if you prefer obscene unpleasant movies, go for it. It would be very interesting for me to read the review of this film by the great maestro Charlie Chaplin.

Directors like these receive Oscars? That's a shame to everybody.

A 1 out of 10 from me, it is a disgrace to comedy as genre and a disgrace to the Jews. Thanks for attention.
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