The Last Run (1971)
the last run
13 October 2021
As the pres alluded to below this film is more notable for George C. Scott's marital affairs at the time it was made than it is for the interest in the character Scott plays or the story in which he's enmeshed. Most of the fault for this can be laid, in my opinion, at the feet (or typewriter) of scenarist Alan Sharp whose dialogue gets talky when it should be laconic (i.e. Scott philosophizing about death when sleeping with his future wife, Trish Van Devere)) and closemouthed when it should be informative (i.e. Sure would have liked to know why Scott's wife...the one in the movie, not real life...left him after their kid died and why the whore played by Scott's first wife...the one in real life, not the movie...betrayed him). Still, the scenes of conflict between Scott's old timer and Tony Musante's young punk (Musante is very good at playing young punks) work well and veteran director Richard Fleischer does a good job with the action scenes, and it's kinda fun to see Portugal, Spain and Southern France through the lens of Sven Nyqvist. So let's give it a B minus.
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