My least favourite Yamada film of the 60-ish I've seen
17 October 2021
Oh no, I didn't really like this one 😔

I mean, it's not awful. The acting is good and it looks alright visually. It's nice to see the characters develop more, but personally, I wasn't very invested in most of the stuff they actually do in this instalment.

Probably my least favourite Yamada movie I've seen, but given I've seen about 60 now (by far the most films I've ever seen from a single director), the fact I still think his "worst" is still far from bad says a lot about his immense skill as a filmmaker. This is the first I've rated less than a 3/5, and it's impressive it's taken so long to find something in his filmography that wasn't at least "pretty good" to me.

The What a Wonderful Family trilogy didn't really end up being my cup of tea, unfortunately, at the end of the day, but 1 and 2 did have good premises, and a few very good scenes in each. This third instalment felt a little more middling to me, and while I certainly can't say it's bad, I found it all kinda hard to get enthusiastic about.
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