It's no The Lost Boys. Or Fright Night. Or Vamp. But it's fun enough.
24 October 2021
High school student Jeremy Capello (Robert Sean Leonard) has a part time job at a grocery store; when he is asked to make a delivery to the old, seemingly abandoned Gardner mansion, he thinks it is a prank, but is surprised to find a sexy young woman living there, who invites him to come back at night.

Despite amorous attention from hot cheerleader Candy (LeeAnne Locken), and having a crush on band nerd Darla (Cheryl Pollak), Jeremy is talked into returning to the house by his best friend Ralph (Evan Mirand), who thinks his pal should have some guilt-free sex with a stranger. As Jeremy is getting down to business with the sexy woman (Cecilia Peck), two men burst into the room brandishing weapons; Jeremy escapes and runs to where Ralph is waiting in his car, and the pair drive away. As Ralph pulls up outside Jeremy's home, he notices that his pal has been bitten on the neck...

My Best Friend is a Vampire is an amiable and moderately amusing teen comedy horror that, whilst not exactly laugh out loud funny or in any way scary, is still an entertaining piece of '80s nonsense. Informed that he has become a vampire by mentor Modoc (Rene Auberjonois), Jeremy must come to terms with drinking blood while trying not to take a bite from Darla when on a date; he must also convince Ralph that, even though he's a bloodsucker, he's still his best friend and means him no harm. Meanwhile, the two men who surprised him at the mansion - vampire hunters Professor Leopold McCarthy (David Warner) and his assistant Grimsdyke (Paul Wilson) - are convinced that Ralph is the vampire and plan to stake him through the heart.

With lots of car chases, plenty of '80s pop songs (including The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades by Timbuk 3 - tune!), bad fashion (Darla's hats!), and enjoyable performances (future Oscar Winner Kathy Bates plays Darla's mother!), My Best Friend is a Vampire provides an easy-going hour-and-a-half of harmless throwback fun.

5.5/10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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