Rename to 'Frustrating Dali and the Charming Prince'
8 November 2021
Good script. Terrific Main Cast, and supporting actor, Kwon Yool.

Park Gyu Young is excellent! She has managed to disappear into her character superbly. All I can see is the extremely frustrating, and at times, pathetic Dali! And then, she flips the script to show the coy, playful Dali which is endearing that I quickly forget I was just mad at her! Again, she is superb.

Now, the Charming Prince, not cocky for me... I like Kim Min Jae a lot! I like his versatility. This is a different role from 'Brahms' and 'Flower Crew' and he has delivered again!! One problem though, I always get distracted by those dimples and cute mouth.

What a performance by Kwon Yool!! He has me seeing red! If I see him right now, I will punch him so hard in the stomach! Kudos!

The supporting cast is fair to poor. The actors playing the Prince's family look like bumbling idiots trying to play bumbling idiots!

Seo Jeong Yeon, you always deliver in your roles but this one is not for you!

Hwang Hee's role.... Still waiting for his character to show me why he is here and what he can do. I am rooting for you though..... fighting!
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