Biblical Stories...A Long, Popular, & Profitable Genre
19 November 2021
Almost 30 Years After Cecil B. Demille Invented the "Biblical Epic" and Showcased the Silent "The Ten Commandments" (1923),

the Genre Never Really Left the Roster of Released Films to Satisfy the Fans, who Loved Watching, and Film-Makers who Loved Filming "God" and His "Good-Book" Stories.

"God" is Good Box-Office.

One of the Perks of Making a "God-Bible", is the Code is "Gun-Shy" about Censoring the Almighty, as Hollywood Reminds that it's in "The Good Book" and therefore "Take it Up with the Author", the Joke Goes.

"David and Bathsheba" is Almost Entirely Focused on the Adulterous Couple and its Romantic Entanglements that Bring On the Wrath-of-God.

That "Wrath" makes an Appearance in the Form of a "Whirlwind"

"The Ark of the Covenant" is Displayed as a Active "Communication Device", a sort-of "Walkie-Talkie" with God.

The Drought and Other Nasty "Payback" is Announced by "Nathan" (the Prophet of God).

It's Talky, with Few Action Events, and with All the Heavy Romantic Melodramatics, Kids will Most Likely Fall Asleep or Wonder-Off.

The Film is , as Expected, Displaying Gorgeous Color Costumes and Sets, Bombastic, Over-the-Top Musical Score, and 2 of Hollywood's Most Attractive Leads.

Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, along with the Rest of the Production Make it a Watchable Entertainment.

But in the Pantheon of Genre. It is an Average Film of its Sort.
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