The Cockfields (2019–2021)
Chuckle... that's as far as I can go
23 December 2021
There are some funny moments... more from the extras than anything. Got through about 8 episodes but most of it is samey.

Apart from the girlfriend (which changes between Series 1 and 2) I could spend time with any of them and that includes Joe who it seems we're supposed to side with against his stepfather (admittedly played well by Bobby Ball and then Gregor Fisher), his socially awkward stepbrother and then the downtrodden mother who is forever guilt tripping him (whether she knows or not). Problem is he just doesn't do anything funny for a comedy, and most of the jokes are in the "...okay, that's different" mould.

The stepbrother though is most annoying, really feel like pushing him off the cliffs either when he says something, especially when being talked down to by his father and coming out with more drivel.

Most 'comedy' produced on UK Gold seems to be the same now. Make the characters quirky but with no real redeeming features. Bring back Fletcher, Arkwright and co.
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