The Expanse: Force Projection (2021)
Season 6, Episode 3
Filler With 1 Fantastic Fight Scene
25 December 2021
Halfway through the final season and the 30 minutes of (mostly) filler before a really great fight scene has me a bit worried the rest of season six might flop. Perhaps it's just because season 5 was so drawn out for me that I tend to notice multiple scenes of nothing but unnecessary dialogue in a row before something finally happens, but really most of this episode was filler. There is a lot of conflict that needs to be wrapped up and I'm not sure that can be done in the 120 minutes remaining.

There will always be people to complain when a great season comes to an end though, even if it's purely canonical. Everyone can't be satisfied.

One very important and deeply satisfying thing did happen in this episode. Marco secured his place as a terribly prideful and all around bad leader. His crew are starting to see that he will put them all at risk out of simple narcissism. He would rather die a martyr and hurt Naomi than save his crew and fight again and it was really great seeing Filip stand up to him in front of everyone and not be humiliated. The final battle was also fantastic like they always are on this great show.
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