Review of Derailed

Derailed (2002)
A Low-budget B-movie Yes But Also A Fun 70's Style Disaster Flick.
30 December 2021
Yes I've read that Derailed is a terrible film with some of the worst effects ever but as a very low-budget Direct-to-video flick, well i did like it as a fun flick.

For really decent Direct-to-dvd Van Damme flicks checkout his, Pound of Flesh & Wake of Death but i did enjoy this 70's Disaster movie type. I say 70's Disaster movie because the film at times looked like that cinematography (probably because of it's low-budget) & how towards the end of the film it becomes a group of people trying to survive a deadly virus & escape from the train that is heading for Disaster & the 70's vibe was even in Van Damme's wardrobe (Clothes) he looked like a hero from those old 70's films, even 70's style with the gun he carried which was a six-shooter revolver & all 70's movie cops carried a revolver. It's actually the best I've seen him look. My Childhood hero plays an agent trying to get a theif (a very good Laura Harring) on to a train & to Munich safely but of course terrorists want her for whatever she'd stolen & so Van Damme as Philip is in the middle of all this action. Philip is a good guy, a family man & a good government agent & I've gotta admit it that Van Damme gives a very good performance!!! He does the action but also does the emotions too, Philip is a likeable lead hero. All the other actors/minor characters & what have you are all ok for what they have to do but it is Van Damme's movie & he's the best part of it. For a very low-budget & low-quality little B-movie that was always destined to hit the bottom shelves of Blockbuster video stores, it's actually a fun ride.

I've seen much, much worse low-budget films & even worse mega budget films too & I've always enjoyed films set on trains with bad guys taking them over such as Narrow Margin & Under Siege 2 & Evasive Action for example & Derailed fits into that genre nicely.

Yes the effects are ridiculously cheap 'N' tacky looking with dodgy CGI & the blue screen scenes are noticeable but the actual look of the film is decent & atleast not filmed on digitally!!! The terrorists are typical villains in everyway but hey their only there to get wiped out by Van Damme anyway.

Derailed, a fun B-movie ride.
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