Very engaging
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on Shudder which is supposedly a horror genre network. Although it has quite a lot of bloodiness in it (not gore), it really falls into the genre of serious human drama.

I have not heard of the Haida culture. I am from the other side of the world and I was trying to guess whose culture this belonged to, thinking possibly Polynesian. So it has been quite educational for me.

This is a beautifully filmed story about community, community fracture, loss of life but also loss of identity, both individual and communal. And it's about restoration.

I was entranced into the story of these people like a witness in a dream. The cinematic story-telling and character development, despite minimal dialogue, evokes empathy for all involved in this tragedy. There is horror, but of a more human kind. Living with guilt for something seemingly unforgivable, and the loss of human connection that comes with that. Where is there to go except to a place of isolation and madness, where no amount of pain inflicted by self or other, brings relief, justice or healing?

Some very poignant moments along the way and at least one laugh out loud scene involving an older member of the clan being pushed by a female elder (whom I assume was his wife), to go deliver some wisdom.

I hope this film gets the attention and accolades it deserves.
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