Space Dandy (2014)
4 Stars out of 5 Stars
15 January 2022
Subbed: Filled to the brim with parodies of other anime IP's and sub genres as a whole, I found myself laughing quite a lot, which is something an anime up until now has never been able to do (albeit I haven't seen a ton of anime). S**t was hilarious, but what really hurts this show, and I realize it's the entire point, is that exchange student/high school musical episode.... I actually contemplated on skipping it. But I didn't. Can't say the episode was worth it but oh well. Other than that, I loved this wacky anime. All of the lore was fun, the animation was amazing; loved the use of different forms of animation styles, and I really enjoyed some of these characters, mostly Dandy himself. Definitely recommended for anime fans.
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