Atout coeur (1931)
Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment.....
2 February 2022
Based on a play,the director makes the best of it in its first part which is not too stagy :the wedding with the mother,proud of her new son-in-law (a count) , stuffing herself with pastries ; the close friend ,a baron ,catching in the act the new bride kissing her boyfriend Marc ("But he's my first cousin ;we're the kissin' cousins") ;and the apex of the movie,so to speak, the scene in a movie theater : the silent movie (in the movie)called "sauvez-vous" (=run for your life) ,an epic melodrama in costumes in the French Revolution which makes the audience laugh their head off,which the film was not intended for ; a subtitle reads " aristocracy is rotten" ,but it does not shock one of the members of the audience.

And however ,this man is a noble, the count the heroine married at the beginning of the movie ; in fact her new husband is a an usurper ,some kind of Arsene Lupin ,who stole the true aristocrat's identity papers ,much to the mother-in-law's disgust .

The rest of the movie shows the would be newly-weds trying to get rid of their spouse, but in a sweet way ;it's not a thriller! The husband tries to impose his wife a sane life : she has to get up at six thirty and practise sport ;the wife bores him stiff with her singing exercises ,and her "plaisir d'amour" (joys of love) cover .And so called cousin Marc and the woman the count met in the theater -the wife of the director who made" sauvez-vous" are people to be reckoned with.

Obsolete , outdated, it nevertheless has its moments.
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