City of Fear (2000 Video)
City of Fear (2000) - Average Gary Daniels flick
19 February 2022
Gary Edward Daniels - one of the most skillful martial arts actors of his era, and undeniably my favourite. But I am gonna be completely unbiased with this review of the film City of Fear (2000).

{No Spoilers}

Let's start of by listing the films Daniels is famous for. The amazing thriller 'Bloodmoon', the quite entertaining White Tiger, and the sub-par 'Fatal Blade'. I'm yet to watch some of his more popular films, so let's stop that list there.

Compared to Bloodmoon, or White Tiger, City of Fear is a relatively average film. Action is scattered at random points throughout the movie, but each fight scene is a solid one, with fluid choreography, and of course, the brilliance of Gary Daniels.

But the suspense plot bores you out in the middle from time-to-time. In each of these phases, you can either leave, or hang out long enough for another spike of interest.

But that is not the sign of good film. A good film keeps the viewer engaged throughout the film, and City of Fear fails to do that by being to slow-paced for its Action-Thriller genre. The relatively bland dialogue delivery doesn't help it, and if anything, makes it more unbearable in certain moments.

The films has a decent plot, interesting twist, and top-notch fight scenes, but fails to take any advantage of it.

Overall, it's still more entertaining than the pretty boring Fatal Blade, but if you want to see a film that will immortalize the name 'Gary Daniels' in your heart, this isn't it. Bloodmoon, White Tiger are great and the ones I haven't watched, but have heard to be pretty good are Cold Harvest, Fist of North Star(Have been told to 'ignore the plot' on this one), Rage, and Recoil.

Signing off, Random 15 y.o. On the Internet.
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