A sweet little rom-com deliciously cooked and smartly buttled.
3 April 2022
If You Could Only Cook (1935) : Brief Review -

A sweet little rom-com deliciously cooked and smartly buttled. Here comes another less well-known and underrated romantic comedy from the 30s. This decade was the best period for romantic and screwball comedies. Almost all of those formulas were invented in the same decade. If you ever think of watching a great original comedy, then I'll suggest you look into the 30s and nowhere else. William A Seiter was ruling behind some of the best directors with his comedies and musical comedies during the 30s, and he also had a couple of good comedies in the 40s as well. If You Could Only Cook surely makes it into the top 5 films of Seiter from the 30s, so you don't have to give a second thought about watching it. Just watch it and I guarantee you won't regret those 70 minutes. You'll enjoy it for an hour and may even wish to watch it again. This screwball tells a story of a frustrated automobile executive and a young woman who talks him into posing as her husband so they can land jobs as a butler and a cook. They fall in love, of course, but is it that easy to get married? It's a sweet little tale with lots of tasty ingredients, and it's too delicious. No matter what kind of food you like, this will satisfy your tongue and stomach both. I just loved some of those scenes. That buttler teaching Jim how to buttle scene was hilarious and intelligent too. Another one was Jim claiming Joan as his real life as his tongue slips, but much funnier part comes when Joan does the same after a while. That was cute and enchanting. Herbert Marshall makes a perfect fit for a businessman and a buttler, while Jean Arthur goes on with her suave accent and beautiful looks. Leo Carrillo is funny enough, but his right hand, aka Lionel Stander, is simply overwhelming. What accents these two had. Complete riot. William A Seiter cooks a delicious rom-com and serves it even better than a professional buttler.

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebeatest.
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