I wonder how long until they screw it up.
5 May 2022
The first episode is much better than I expected. Far superior to other recent shows called "Star Trek" but are really not. The first few minutes were slow and boring, but it did get better. I was distracted by the Buffy vampire makeup and I thought inserting genetic manipulation when all the "future" series use cosmetics to simulate alien appearance was lame. Changing established mechanics because you think you have a better idea is pretentious and arrogant. Still, it gave Nurse Chapel something to do so we could see Jess Bush's delightful performance. And Celia Rose Gooding as a young starry-eyed Uhura has promise. I'm not a fan of this version of Spock, but maybe he'll grow into the part. All things considered not a bad start for the new series; on par with Encounter at Farpoint I think. I wonder how long until they screw it up.
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