Irresistible (2006)
Typical thriller
22 May 2022
Interested in a thriller with a twist ending, that's supposed to be Australian but really only stars Sam Neil? Check out Irresistible, a movie that tried hard to use cross-marketing with the top stars, but really only raised questions in the audience. Why did Susan Sarandon have an American accent when she had Australian parents? Why did her children have stronger Australian accents than their father, Sam Neil? Why cast a British actress, Emily Blunt, and force her to put on a difficult accent; she could have just been British for no reason like Susan was American. The answer is cross-marketing; the studio hoped American, British, and Australian audiences would desperately flock to the theaters and not notice the other people's accents.

Susan, as uglied up as much as possible, is made out to be a tired, haggard mother struggling to meet a deadline on her illustrated book. She has mental problems and hallucinates things, like someone sneaking into her house or following her around. Since she's so clearly displayed as being nuts, it's a sure bet that the plot won't be that straightforward. Either she's being gaslighted, someone else is nuts, or she has a very good reason for her irrational behavior.

Sam is her long-suffering husband, and while he does look pretty yummy in this movie, he doesn't look that way for his wife. It's Emily Blunt, his new assistant at work, who gets the best of him. Through her character - by far the most interesting in the film - we see how easy a work affair can start. She's a beautiful and sexy young woman with confidence and poise. Immediately, she compliments him on his desk's family photo, showing she is aware of his marital status and supports him being a family man. If he's interested, she won't make any demands on him. Emily truly is irresistible in this movie, as she prances around in killer outfits and moves like she's gliding through water. How can Susan compete?

She really can't, and that's not the point of the story. In fact, Susan's character devolved into someone so unlikable, I was actually hoping Sam would find some happiness with his "work wife". How's that for an audience reaction? Susan fans might want to skip this one, but if you love Emily or Sam, check it out.

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not be your friend. This movie uses quite a bit of "active" camera movement where the camera moves around to follow the actors, and that will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, one of the scary flashes Susan hallucinates is of her children with slashed throats, I wouldn't let my kids watch it.
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