Not brilliant but interesting enough
31 May 2022
The Gun Trace Task Force is one of the Baltimore Police Department's most celebrated units, with extraordinary arrest and seizure rates. However, beneath this glamourous exterior lies a web of corruption. The driving force behind is the unit's larger-than-life leader, Sergeant Wayne Jenkins.

Interesting, though a bit disappointing. The man behind the show is David Simon, creator of The Wire. Once again the series is set in Baltimore and is a crime drama, so on paper it looks like you're in for something resembling The Wire in quality.

It doesn't come anywhere near to living up to that benchmark, though coming close to The Wire, one of the greatest dramas in TV history, would be quite a feat. While capturing the true events surrounding the Gun Trace Task Force, the story is not overly intriguing. The tight, tense atmosphere of The Wire is replaced by a cold matter-of-factness.

There's also a few characters whose only existence is to deliver sanctimonious, preachy dialogue. Rather than feeling like a gritty crime drama it sometimes feels like you're being lectured.

This all said, the story is quite interesting. The initial setup makes you think the police are the heroes of the story, and Wayne Jenkins some kind of supercop, but as the story progresses and the corruption is exposed you see the true picture.

The back-and-forth timeline is quite jarring at times and initially quite confusing. However, this is necessary as the flashbacks inform present day events. Telling the story in linear fashion would not have worked as well and would have made the plot quite dull.

Some of the sub-plots also make for engaging viewing and show the effect of the corruption on other people's lives. The Sean Suiter story was particularly interesting and ultimately quite poignant.

Another great positive is the outstanding performance of Jon Bernthal as Wayne Jenkins. He makes Jenkins into the colourful yet loathsome character we see with an incredibly intense performance.
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