Good but not great
2 June 2022
I think I can speak for most to say that sequel did not disappoint. It was very good, but IMO, it had some issues, which could have been fixed with ease...

The bad: Introduction scenes had no relation to actual movie...I would have preferred to see that Admiral catch him 'dating' his wife. It would have been more interesting...

Love story had no real meaning or even chemistry. It led nowhere, except for having a good looking girl. It felt it was an after thought.

Few slow mo, gratuitous shots in the cockpit could have been edited out.

Development of other pilots was non-existent and felt almost wasteful.

Ending was super unrealistic too,,,

The good: Val Kilmer scenes/references were great.

Sound, action, excellent Dialogue above average

Overall, enjoyable and didnt waste time. Fast paced as well.
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