Duller and less fun as a plastic spoon
11 June 2022
Good grief. This is unlikable and unfunny from the very first scene, mere exposition, and it never improves. It was a few noteworthy names in the cast that drew me in but to be very frank, I feel like I've been actively lied to. 'Exorcism at 60,000 feet' is all but unwatchable.

The "comedy" is unbelievably common, and mostly downright juvenile. In keeping with the spirit of the film, I'll generously assume that writers Robert Rhine and Daniel Benton, and director Chad Ferrin, were possessed by 12-year olds when they concocted this garbage. Every single joke or sight gag is either hopelessly boorish, and/or so overused as to be tired and bland beyond description, and so it is with the exaggerated characters and performances. For that matter, the acting here is some of the worst and laziest I can recall seeing - and I watched 'A karate Christmas miracle.'

I suppose the grotesque practical effects look good. The hair and makeup work generally, and costume design, are all swell. But this is the full extent of the praise I have to offer. Ferrin's direction is amateurish, and the fundamental camerawork is flailing. Computer-generated visuals and effects are lousy. Editing and sequencing are senseless. Dialogue and scene writing, like the humor broadly, are atrocious - to say nothing of shameful and utterly unnecessary transphobia, and racist stereotypes. Even without taking everything else into account, the plot in and of itself is poorly written, unconvincing, boring, and forgettable.

It doesn't matter how you stumbled upon this movie, or why you think it may be worth your time. It isn't. It's so rotten that even if you're hoping to get your kicks by mocking it, there's not one scrap of fun to be had. 'Exorcism at 60,000 feet' is abhorrent, undeserving rubbish, and no one should ever watch it.
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