Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017 Video Game)
Here we go!
24 June 2022
This all out action adventure never ceases to amaze me providing some of the best scenery with a great location and a new lead protagonist in Chloe Frazer. Previously she was the anti hero of the Uncharted series, now she kinda still is in an annoyingly boisterous way. She has always been unpredictable but is calculated in her approach whilst being quite laid back at times too. Throw in Nadine Ross and you got the recipe for a dynamic duo in archaeology, they are just one tusk away from preventing a civil war! I can't help but think this could've been a co-op story mode to fulfil the gamer completely. Somehow I always tend to be more intrigued by the bad girls and Chloe Frazer is no exception to this theory. She has the ability to do the right thing when it really matters however we can never be hundred percent sure that she will. Like most uncharted games this has plenty of puzzles, treasures and third person action. I'd say it has one of the best endings of any action game with very cinematic explosive climax. Definitely well worth sticking this one out to the very end. Some have been disappointed this game isn't particularly long yet I sometimes prefer the less is more approach. Often we can get too engrossed into he gaming world without really having time to process it! This game gave us a sample of the world around us and how valuable it really is. These exotic surroundings should be explored in our own life's rather than just through the eyes of a video game.

There is also the return of another major character even so I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. In order the obtain the tusk Chloe and Nadine must overcome a ruthless warlord and his army of insurgents whom are looking to trade the tusk to the highest bidder or so it seems. This isn't a game where the narrative is the key focus although it does have some compelling moments. Overall it was really fun bringing another solid experience to the franchise.
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