Sweetness of the Heart
25 June 2022
Unique, indeed unique. Lily showed us all the mystery of alone. Lily showered us with the blessing of manifest faith, in God, in love, in people.

Fanning's portrayal had to be accurate; after all, she was the white kid from Georgia playing a white kid from Ethiopia. How she portrayed her role and survived, if not thrived, from those roots was inspirational. Her Lily's survival fierceness from deep faith in Amina, Aziz and Allah bore great witness.

As a Christian, I know that Lily and I would have different views of Jesus the Christ, but oh how I would love to sit across a table, each of us with a coffee.

I loved the introduction to Sufi, as contrasted to Shiite or Sunni manifestations of Islam. Thank you Zereseny Berhane Mehari!

I look forward to reading Gibbs' novel to know from where Lily was reading Amina's letter. Roots indeed.
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