Mystery solved
19 August 2022
Watching Sleepy Danny Wilson I can see why Frank Sinatra's talent agency AND record label both dumped him in 1952. His pre-Capitol Records act was blander than white rice. I mean, his interpretations are at LEAST 10 years past their freshness date.

It's almost as if they took a script Sinatra declined to do in 1942 and he finally relented bc his career was in the toilet. My gawd, Elvis Presley's first appearanceon The Ed Sullivan Show was still four years in the future. What was Middle America listening to during the first Eisenhower administration?

We can all be grateful Raymond Burr put a horse's head in a director's bed and got Danny Wilson the role of Maggio in From Here To Eternity. To say nothing of Capitol Records starting in 1956. The rest is history.

Nonetheless, there are two interesting things in this movie: 1. The under-rated Raymond Burr as the nightclub owner. He was a very good-looking man. Portraying the heavy wasn't a makeup and lighting job. That is first-class acting. He is absolutely magnetic in this film.

2. Shelley Winters was quite the dish. The blonde curls. That little gap in her two front teeth. The curves. Va-Voom. And for a change instead of playing a desperate, clingy character she's the bona fide romantic lead. Would. Do.

Not too often Sinatra is a distant third-most-interesting person in a movie. But Meet Danny Wilson is that movie.
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