Review of Probe

Probe (1988)
Probing into Mystery
13 September 2022
This show is another entry in the "Under the Radar" series and another entry in the "Almost Classics" series. I remember seeing this show on the "Sci-Fi Channel" when I was about 11, the channel had this program where each month they would show a Sci-Fi show that had a limited life cycle, and this show was one of them. It's too bad as this show unfortunately became like the project in a science fair which has plenty of potential to offer but has been completely overlooked.

This show was slightly ahead of it's time as this was one of the first shows where science was incorporated into the detective genre. It makes sense doing that as detective work is sort of a science, let alone the fact they have scientific departments to help solve their cases. The show also sort of predates the show "Scorpion" which incorporated science into sticky situations but also had characters that were outsiders from the norm. Though also recent detective shows like "CSI" and "NCIS" that have the science element incorporated.

I like the mysteries which are all thought provoking and a little outside the norm. Yeah, some would say they're not totally realistic but same can be said about most other detective stories or episodes in those shows. But there's nothing wrong with that because like with any good detective story it's more concerned about being a good story. Also, the fact the cases are a little outside the norm is part of the show's edge as it gives the show an unpredictability factor keeping things fresh and interesting; and avoids cookie cutter plotlines which most detective shows fundamentally suffer from. But their also thought provoking as there is real science that is applied to solving the case along with getting out of the sticky situation both characters inadvertently get into, and I like that showing how useful science truly is.

The duo is solid, I like the chemistry between both of them, their not the romantic thriller couple their actually more of a buddy cop duo which is cool, it was something slightly different as it slightly broke that cliche of protagonists of the opposite sex in a detective/thriller show always have to be lovers which I never felt was true. It makes sense both these characters would be just friends as we see from that intro and the pilot both have next to nothing in common as both are literally from two different worlds. It's just fun and funny seeing both butt heads together but at the same time are able to work together which is part of what good chemistry is.

The partnership between them reminds me more of "Doctor Who" where the "Doctor" is always paired off with an outsider. Michelle Crow (Ashley Castle) is sort of like Jo Grant in "Doctor Who" though even a bit of Paige from "Scorpion" who is smart but a little ditzy and a little out of her depth. However, despite not on the same I. Q. level as Austin nor ever will be, she has a great degree of common sense, street smarts, and better experience with the outside world which makes her all the more useful to Austin who never operated much or at all from the outside.

Austin James played well by Parker Stevenson whom of course I remember from "The Hardy Boys" show as Frank Hardy, so he's an alumnus to the mystery genre, but is also a perfect fit for the role as Frank was the brainy type. Anyway, Austin you could say could almost be another incarnation of "The Doctor" wouldn't be surprised if he was; though also he's a bit like Walter from "Scorpion.

Like both those characters both are genius, but both beat to a different drummer which is something I can relate to because I'm both those things too. His character can be childlike as he is constantly using his brain, he is always doing things and exploring, there is never a moment when he's never doing something as each episode starts off with him sometimes doing a project.

Though if the character had an Achilles heel is like Walter, he can be a little guilty of antisocial behavior, where sometimes his behavior or even something he say comes out wrong. But this isn't because he a cold person it's because he's simply inexperienced with the outside world and can't relate or communicate let alone see things the same way most people exposed and experienced with the outside world can. It's understandable as he's a person that has an introvert persona (I do too) that values time to himself and spends lots of time in a lab or solving scientific problems.

But Austin does have a human heart, he has a fascination with people, and deep down wants a social circle of his own and help people. This is part of why both Austin and Michelle are good for each other because Michelle helps guide him in the outside world and Austin puts his skills to good use, doing what he always wanted to do to help and benefit mankind.

Of course, the only computer error of the show is as I said its life span was cut short. Some would say the show was canned because as I said it was slightly ahead of its time which is partially true as science incorporated into the detective genre wasn't common at the time.

However, I feel the real reason this show's plug was pulled was that it was simply a victim of bad timing. This show came out in the twilight years of the 80's decade 1988 to be precise; and both the detective, buddy cop and romantic thriller genres were big in the 80's and as you'd expect fans wanted more; but like all genres gone on too long they start to lose their spark and so did interest.

For any fan of the detective genre that is into lost retro shows in that genre like any science experiment it's worth a try; this is a lost mystery gem worth probing into.

Rating: 3 stars.
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