Rake: R vs Mohammed (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
Back with a bang
1 October 2022
Season 2 of Rake starts in dramatic, explosive fashion. A man blows himself up in a failed terrorism attempt and his wife is charged with terrorism. Naturally, our friend Cleaver Greene gets to defend her. What follows is.very interesting as it explores the anti-Moslem bigotry of the time as well as providing a very clever twist.

There's also a sub-plot involving Cleaver having an affair with the Premier of New South Wales, played by Toni Collette. This leads to all sorts of political plottings: the two sidekicks taking polls in order for the politicians to figure out what they should do was hilarious, and accurate.

This also makes Cleaver a new and formidable enemy: the Premier's husband who happens to be the Attorney General of NSW.
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