If you like dated, fake "musicals," you'll love this
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Danny Kaye was obviously such a big star at the time that he was given carte blanche to do whatever he wanted. That's apparent in this overwrought "star vehicle."

This self-indulgent piece of flotsam/jetsam involves an insane and totally unbelievable storyline about Danny being an "entertainer" who strongly resembles a playboy pilot. For reasons that remained incomprehensible to me, Danny must take the pilot's place and "fools" everybody, including the pilot's breathtaking beautiful, but ignored wife (Gene Tierney).

This "plot" is stretched so that Danny can sing, dance, ape his way through jokes, and show us how "versatile" he is.

The best thing that can be said about this movie is that the sets (not the outdoor "Riviera" ones) and the costumes (including a dress worn by Danny's supposed girlfriend Corrine Calvet that will make you gasp) are wild. The colors are so vibrant that you'll feel you got lost in a Technicolor dream.

There were about 5 really good laughs as the movie progressed, but, honestly, there was lots of babbling and insanity.

The main thing I enjoyed was watching Danny Kaye, knowing how closeted he was, portray a hot ladies' man. He does look good on the screen, and the camera definitely "sees" him and he did have a unique talent.

But at the end of the day nothing really matters because most of this film is, forgive me, dreck.

All of the musical numbers are horrid, especially the nightmarish "Popo the Puppet" -- which looks like a bad episode of "The Twilight Zone."

But the colors are certainly intense and Gene Tierney is one of those women the camera loves and she was at the height of her beauty. So there is some eye candy.

Otherwise you will be completely and totally wasting your time.
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