And they should have passed each other by.
10 November 2022
One of those Hollywood booboos - one of many - that passed their scrutinization with their typical blind eye. Both eyes, in fact., wide open but unseeing. What started off as mildly amusing, turned, post haste, into a mish-mash of morass. To begin with, Clark Gable and Rosalind Russell are jewel thieves, independent of one another in their thievery, outwitting one another in the heist of a priceless necklace owned by the grande dame, Jessie Ralph, who plays drunk well. No surprise here, they hook up by hook and crook, and continue thieving, often taking from regular old small business owners, which was not funny at all. Peter Lorre, somehow or other, shows up as another character of bad character, his specialty. No big surprise, duplicitous character, in this case, a cargo ship captain who is anxious to betray his new passengers and attain the stolen goods for a handsome reward. Eventually, and for the final too many minutes, Gable is suddenly in the military, receiving honors as a hero. Russell underplaying for a change, proves she did not have to indulge in ham when she wanted to. Gable, all smirk and grin and raised eyebrow and innuendo, is Gable. Better to get on a slow boat to China then join this crew of miscreants.
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