A Sugar & Spice Holiday (2020 TV Movie)
A pleasant change.
13 November 2022
A Sugar And Spice Christmas/Holiday (2020) -

"Teach someone to fish and they will stink, teach them to bake and they will always have sweet treats."

I really enjoyed this film. It was refreshing to have a story featuring an Asian family and some of the traditions of their heritage. They didn't go over the top with it and actually I appreciated that, because it can be too focussed on differences sometimes, but the nods and hints were just a nice change from the usual black or white options available.

And maybe it was because I was on a weird high/come down from forgetting to take my happy drugs, but it just seemed to have the right balance of silliness and seriousness.

Although he wouldn't be classed wholly as a leading man or deemed traditionally gorgeous, Tony Giroux, as Billy, definitely had a charm. As the film progressed, I thought that he was actually very cute and his character was really sweet with a lovely, fun personality.

The leading lady Jacky Lai, playing Suzy, was good too, but I had to wonder if she really NEEDED that promotion or not? They always say that in these films, but then they go back to the most luxurious apartments or spend a fortune flying back and forth between the city and their hometowns, so how poor are they that a promotion is all that can save them?

Suzy's Mother was an awesome character, but some of the supporting artists were a bit questionable, including and mostly those involved in the bake off.

But the Nan in this film was adorable, just like mine and God don't I miss her. We never made cookies together, but as someone that was in my life longer than most of the others, she left a gaping hole. The scenes that the Nan was in really pulled at my heartstrings.

What I really liked was the idea that Suzy might not get everything wrapped up in the end, so I was a little bit disappointed that they did what they did with it, but I would still say that this film was one of the best I've seen from the latest batch of the made for TV Christmas films.

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