Get over the zargnuts!
1 December 2022

The last we saw our Gaurdians of the Galaxy pals they were leaving Thor and Korg (along with those giant goats) on some distant planet.

Since then, judging from this,, apparently things have happened.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have bought Nowhere from the Collector, and are in the process making it their own (which means a LOT of WORK for our band of space pirates).

No one knows where Gamora is, btw. She has not been seen nor heard about since the events near the end of Endgame. This being the case, has sent Quill into a bit of a blue slump. I mean, he finally got Gamora, then lost her, faded out of existence for 5 years when the blip happened, then comes back, battles Thanos's army, and then, there is Gamora!! Back! Alive!! Then she knocks him on his butt (granted,, this version of Gamora had no clue who he was, so it was a bit justified) and runs. Ugh,, that would make anyone a bit down in the dumps.

While StarLords friends are talking about his current state, Kraglin mentions that when he and Peter were coming up (as kids) in Yondu's crew, they once tried to celebrate Christmas, but Yondu ruined it, thus ruining Christmas forever. After hearing this, Mantis takes it upon herself to cheer Peter up. She and Drax devise a plan to travel to Earth and abduct the legendary KEVIN BACON to be a Christmas present for Quill! What could possibly go wrong?!? Lol,,,

For all the misses they've had in the last bit, the MCU scores a good home run with the special (James Gunn does good work. Looking forward to seeing what he does with DC). It's plenty funny, and just heartwarming enough.

I look forward to seeing Vol 3.
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