End of the Road (II) (2022)
Kind of Sad
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had hoped to like this movie enough to think that it would make me start watching Queen Latifah in "The Equalizer", but this movie proved my suspicions are legitimate and she is nowhere near an action movie or tv show star.

This movie is one big cliche'- the sad widow who gave up everything to try to help her heroic dead husband fight cancer, now loses her house, her kids hate the idea of moving, her younger brother is a constant screw up, but he talks an amazing amount of trash for someone who literally did nothing the entire movie. Then we have rednecks from right out of central casting, and finally Beau Bridges playing the same part over and over again. We're supposed to believe Beau's police captain character is a good guy, but hark! He is not! That took all of 9 seconds to figure out along with the rest of this plot.

Terrible writing, acting, casting, and directing.

Watching the action scene with Latifah fighting off five rednecks was a 10 on the unintentional comedy scale- the woman moves at the speed of a glacier, and yet she took care of all of them and it was hilarious the whole time.

I like Latifah a lot, in the right roles she is great, but this role was not for her and I won't be watching her tv show either because I don't want to feel worse about her.

Oh, and totally predictable ending too- I literally said to myself "Uncle Reggie is buying breakfast" and I knew exactly why. Come on, people. Do better than this.
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