17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why others rated this above 5 stars, 4 is pushing it.

I gave two stars for mostly acceptable acting but the writing, dialogue, and plot all conspire against anything these actors can do for this movie.

There are empty, or dead end plot points, no idea how the men got infected, and their 'infection' is turning them into 'lots of little cephalopods' ?? What the?! After first questioning how they got infected, the next question was how in the world and with what equipment did the 'doctor' run the tests that showed this 'infection' in the men's bodies? Not that it matters, because absolutely nothing comes of that, so I guess the writer just expects you to forget about it.

And the 'deer god'? It's dialogue is even worse. Non-sensical speaking and 'making' the men do bad things simply because it is telling them to. No sense that there is any mind control, or some other sort of control, the men are just like, 'He is MAKING me do it because he it telling me to!'. I get that they were trying to add suspense seeing the men turn on each other, but it all came across as way too rushed without any good explanation of why things unraveled so quickly in their minds. Turns out the deer head on the wall was the one actually speaking to one of the men, making him crazy.

Then the lone survivor has an actual confrontation with the 'deer god' , who now has a body and legs in the forest - i was expecting some sort of 'charge' or some other threatening movement since it had legs now, but nope, just stood there talking. I am guessing the writer tried to make what the deer god was saying as deep and philosophical but it just came across as 'Uhhh, WTF you say?' Seriously, I stopped it to rewind to listen to again, thinking I missed something but nope. Just gibberish really.

Then the deer god lets the lone survivor go and ... well, he starts walking to ... the reservation?

Seriously, the premise had potential, wasted on horrible writing, dialogue, and purpose for the big baddy. Sad attempt at horror and suspense. Don't waste your time on this, you will regret the time you invested in it.
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