Wholesome family entertainment
27 December 2022
Intellectual story of two you ladies and their happy-go-lucky travels selling Bibles to uneducated non-believers. Even though they are inexperienced at sales, these wholesome girls learn all the right techniques to make their sales skyrocket! In the end, they earn all the money they need to return to St Mary's girls' school so they can live happily ever after.

I can't figure out why nobody wears underwear in this movie. And the women are always walking around topless. It's probably because of the summer heat in southern California where it is very dry and dusty.

The house lady madam even has to use an old toilet plunger on herself to get unclogged because of all the dust that has collected, apparently causing extreme constipation. She could use eX-lax for relief but I think she ran out of money after spending it on Bibles. In any event, it's a very educational movie showing alternative lifestyles, including how people use their creativity to hide small bags of powder when they don't have pockets (or undergarments). Who knew!

Overall it's a joyful and uplifting look about life skills and life lessons. Sometimes hearts get broken or worse, splattered, but that is part of growing up these girls learn. They must have had Divine's inspiration to be in the right place, at the right time, selling exactly what this small community needs - Bibles! And now this community is much better off. Even John Waters would approve.

If you want some religious oriented entertainment to watch with your family, this movie is highly recommended. Kids, parents and even grandparents can all find something to relate to. And even if you don't read the Bible, this movie may give you inspiration to start giving back to your community just like these girls did. They are honest to goodness role models in every sense of the term.
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