Strange Baptisms
27 December 2022
Beware My Brethren (1971): An English fundamentalist church has a small but committed (they should be) congregation. They listen to tapes from their Leader in Arizona. Crazed scenes as they respond to Preacher Patrick Magee who puts in a worthy performance. Amazing how many low budget horror features he starred in along with Pinter and Beckett plays, exploitation movies paying the rent I guess. Anyway one of his flock, Tony Beckley is a few psalms short of a psalter and has become a serial killer. A demented portrayal , not just as he gruesomely dispatches his victims but also as he simultaneously listens to tapes of their pleadings along with his Leader's rants. Some really good editing as the action cuts between a full immersion baptism and the drowning of one of those murdered by Beckley. Production values suffer from a limited budget but it;s certainly worth watching. Directed by Robert Hartford-Davis, written by Brian Comport. On Legend Channel. 6.5/10.
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