I was excited to see this movie: KEYWORD: WAS
1 January 2023
I was excited to see this movie: KEYWORD: WAS

The entire movie is 1 hr and 52 min but it makes you wish it was over after the first 30 minutes. Which I have to say are the bests parts of the movie they feel really down to earth and really set the movie up for a great time. But that ends fast when we meet that one sea kid (WHY DID WE HAVE TO MEET HIM). This entire movie would have been at least decent if the entire "CHILDREN OF THE SEA" part was taken out of the movie, so the "THE" part would have been nice. The rest of the movie slowly ( AND SURLY KILLS YOU), with its inconsistent and unclear plot. No joke the plot feels as if I needed to study and take notes to follow the characters. IT MAKES NO SENSE. I get unclear characters and the structural plot is part of movies; to build suspense and all, but here it feels just so off. ( Maybe it's the cultural barrier, but it's still meant for an English audience). Also because of the movie's over complicated and unclear nature you as the viewer start to try and find symbolism in the scenes that don't even fit in with the movie. LIKE THAT BOAT WITH MONEY, WHAT IS IT FOR; PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL ME?. Not to mention the character's designs. I respect the hustle of the detail in some scenes, but it feels more like the movie trying to scare you than anything (I get it it's a custom style they were trying to go for (not the scary part). Plus they did my girl dirty (the fisher(girl) at the end of the movie.

My Personal Complaints: Theirs a scene in the movie that lasts about 5-10 minutes and it's just straight lights and artistic representations, I don't remember liking it, but it drags on and on and never seems to end. Plus the scene before gives me gross and dirty ideologies about what they're trying to represent. ( THE INSIDE OF THE WHALE SCENE)

^^^ As mentioned this was me " the viewer" trying to piece together symbolism where I thought it might go. (BIG MISTAKE) ^^^

The mom gives birth at the end of the movie, but if you noticed she's an alcoholic (it's not really clear if you weren't paying attention), "You're like what the big deal"; IT'S NOT CLEAR IF SHE STOPPED DRINK ALCOHOL OR NOT BECAUSE THE MOVIE JUST ABOUT ENDS THERE. Also, this scene is very graphic and honestly disgusting.

There's this one science dude or girl that like ends up taking care of the children. But he feels so random and creepy; I DONT TRUST HIM WHY SHOULD YOU

THE WORST PARTS: There's a scene in which two characters kiss, "this is where I thought the movie was going to get good but soon noticed it got much worse". And instead of asking about this very awkward moment, Ruka(the girl) just asks "what did I just swallow". It is very soon revealed she swallowed like the heart of the sea or something (this has to do something to do with the end plot).


ONE: Why did you swallow something someone passed from their mouth to yours, THAT'S GROSS AND NOT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE, GIRL YOU JUST SWALLOWED AN ENTIRE ROCK.

TWO: The girl (Ruka I think) has no question about it and acts like everyone who knows a child that was born from the sea does this. NO NO NO WHY

EXTRA: Because I checked Common Sense Media before watching this movie, I was not prepared for some scenes( of course they didn't get it correct). There weren't too bad but CSM (Common Sense Media) only mentioned there was kissing ( In that one category, you guys know). But comes to find out there is some left out thing Like: (Note these are from IMDB's listing of this movie which is way better and clearer)

Two little boys are shown naked for a few seconds: (IMDB quotes "It is presented in a naturalistic way. (They lived in the ocean.)" and yes it is but it's still very shocking.)

A teenage girl's back is shown as she bathes: ( IMDB quotes: "Nothing detailed." It's technically not bad but is still shocking, very out of place, and kind of weird)

The end credit scene shows a baby who's just been born.
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